Monday, February 26, 2007

The Lifeboat

The ship went down a long time ago. I'm not quite sure when, or what exactly happened, or who, if anyone's fault it was. All I know is that I found myself one day in a lifeboat, a small rubber raft, floating in the sea and not knowing in which direction I would find my harbor.

This lifeboat, this woefully inadequate vessel was slowly taking on water, and I and my children were sinking. I tried desperately to plug the holes, and paddle to shore, while bailing bucketfuls of water out of the boat. My bucket was too small, and there was so much water. I paddled in circles, exhausted, with the uneasy feeling that the childen were popping more pin holes in the raft.

I'd gain distance some days, and float back with the tide on others. Sometimes along the rocks, I'd hear the Sirens call and drift off in the wrong direction. Sometimes I'd just get too overtaxed and give up. Then I'd jolt back to my senses because the waves had taken over the boat, stinging my eyes with salt water and rousing me to my senses.

This is it, I thought, we're all going to drown. Maybe if I jumped overboard, my weight would stop dragging us down, and the kids would make it? I was hallucinating; I'd see dry land, but it was just a mirage. Pirhannas and sharks swirled around us, waiting to devour the remains of defeat.

Then one day, one blessed, unsupsecting day, I turned around, and there was another person in the boat with me. It was my captain. He could not stop the water from coming in the boat either, but he grabbed another paddle, and another bucket. He paddled with all his might, which encouraged me to paddle with all my might. He swooped up bucketfuls of water, till the water was almost gone. Then we looked into each other's eyes and said, "Let's do our best to get this thing in the right direction."


Randy said...

I cannot begin to let you know how well written this was. Hindsight brings us wisdom, dear. The ship is almost ready....

Anonymous said...

Excellent visuals, my dear.

You see? This was perfect blogging material.

paisley said...

very, very, good....